Exterior Wash

Home Exterior Wash

Wash Extras

  • Tire Shine $3
  • Rim Clean $3
  • Fire Bath $3
  • ICE Shine $3
  • Blazin Glaze $3
  • Triple Shine $3
  • Air Freshener $2
  • Mats Starting at $5

Popular Questions

How do I know which wash I need?
Our service advisers need to check your car before telling you which type of wash will be necessary. They are always happy to help.
Will the brush type wash scratch my car?
No. We use the MacNeil Tunnel Wash System, a system recognized as the most technologically advanced tunnel wash in the world. The "Envirosoft" foam is designed to provide a safe and effective wash, time after time.
Which service will get my car a complete and thorough interior clean instead of a quick wipe down?
Our full service car wash options do provide inside vacuuming and a wipe down of the dash board, cup holders and doors. If you'd like a more detailed clean interior, the Interior Super Clean is the choice for you.
What if I'm not happy with the service I received?
Please let a car wash manager know right away. We will take care of the problem!
What is a ceramic?
A ceramic material is an inorganic, non-metallic, crystalline oxide substance-most often comprised of additional elements such as carbon and silicon. Ceramic materials do not deteriorate from chemical erosion when subjected to acids and alkaline and can withstand exceedingly high temperatures.

Ceramics are comprised of ceramic building blocks and as a result, enjoy these qualities, high shine, durability and are extremely hydrophobic.
What is Silica?
Silica is a complex material used as a building block in the production of glass, ceramics and silicone. Siliceous materials are frequently modified to generate an array of materials to suit almost any application. Ceramics utilizes the latest in silica technology to exceed the endurance, shine and nano effects of common, traditional tunnel wash products and protective sealants.
Why Do Ceramics Work?
When regularly used, Ceramics provide a coating comprised of a blend of ceramic precursors, silicone and other siliceous materials that will protect against environmental contaminants, provide a extremely high shine, generate a highly hydrophobic surface, giving a smooth surface and making repeat customer vehicles easier to clean. These visible and durable effects will endure for weeks after every application.